Which again, makes people with a larger body mass and pregnant people more susceptible as they generally have a greater body temperature. Everyone is also at greater risk when they’re exercising, because this also raises your body temperature.
3.Your blood type is also a factor in how likely you are.
concluded that people with type O blood are significantly more attractive than people with type A blood to mosquitos. However, this was a very small study that hasn’t been repeated since, so take these results with a pinch of salt.
4.also showed that only some people secrete chemicals through their skin that indicate what blood type they have.
We all have a unique and beautiful flora of microbes living on our skin. In fact, we have more microbes on our skin than actual skin cells. We’re actually just walking masses of germs. Anyway, the unique composition of our microbes affect how much mosquitos want to bite us.
To other humans, but also to mosquitos. This is because exercise increases the amount of, as well as increasing your overall body temperature. For mosquitos, this is the equivalent of wafting delicious baked goods and fresh coffee in front of someone who’s just rolled out of bed.
7.Lastly, drinking beer may also contribute to your status as mosquito bait.